Sweetie Bear

By • 2 Min Read

Sweetie Bear got up with the sunrise, leapt right out of bed, right into her treehouse bakery.

Her favorite thing in the whole wide Lullabear world, was making yummilicous, scrumpsha-licious, vegan chocolate chip cookies.

But she made them her own special Lullabear way!

As she mixed the flour and the chocolate chips, she would gently sing the sweetest, softest melodies right into the dough.

The melodies would infuse into the fabulous flavors, rising up higher and higher and always sweeter and sweeter.

The purest chords would glide gently into the chocolate, folding in and resting there. Gor your first gooey, chewy chocolately bite.

As she sang, birds would gather around her treehouse, joining in harmonious melodies, making the cookies even sweeter and sweeter as they flew around.

Sweetie Bear baked the cookies in the warm round cookie oven. They came out perfectly soft, tender and yummy like her music.

She promptly stored a cookie in her hat, for easy access later of course!

If you are ever lucky enough, to have a Sweetie Bear cookie, know that you will both taste and hear, the sweetest songs in the Lullabear world.

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